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What’s the story behind [Rest Space]?

[Rest Space] was born when I realised I wasn't the only person who loved napping during the day. I was working in finance and particularly remember this one week when I was really struggling with lots of early mornings and late nights.  

Kate Mulligan

Every time I jumped in the lift someone would be talking about needing a nap. That's when it hit me I'm not the only one who naps.

I tried searching for the best locations to nap in Canary Wharf and the only thing that came up was the most commonplace for people to nap at work was in the toilets.

I began talking openly about napping at work, a topic that has a lot of stigma around it. People started opening up to me about the cheeky naps they have taken, the social pressure that caused them to hide the fact they nap and how they felt after napping. I really resonated with the stories about the desperation and places people have resorted to napping because there is nowhere else to go. 

With something so frowned upon, I began to search for the benefits of napping or whether there was just something wrong with us. My co-founder Supa and I started to dig deep into the research, and we were dumbfounded by the amount of research showing how good napping is for our health. That's when we decided we need to open a place for people to nap and address the stigma associated with it.  

Get in touch with RestSpaceLDN if you would like to learn more about our [Rest Space] journey so far, click here.


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