Returning to the office will be a challenge for many to overcome the habits they developed working from home. But what if you get to enjoy the same benefits whilst at work? The hybrid working for the offices will need to meet the same satisfaction levels for employees working from home in order for them to be productive.
As per the data from the Office of National Statistics, only about 5% of the UK workforce worked from home prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was greatly exacerbated by the pandemic and government orders for people to stay at home. As per CIPD Research, when the COVID-19 outbreak started; almost 65% of the employers who were reluctant to allow regular working from home were reduced to just 37%.
Working from home has allowed some companies the flexibility they require to maintain their business operations while prioritising staff and customer health and wellbeing as part of their public health responsibilities. By giving workers greater authority over their schedules and giving them more free time, hybrid working may contribute to improved wellbeing. You can use your extra free time for some power naps in between the working hours, spend more time with your loved ones, exercise or cook healthier meals which will contribute to the health benefits.
According to the State of Remote Work 2019 report by Owl Labs, some employees would even be willing to take a pay cut in order to work from home. The reasons workers want to do their jobs remotely are not surprising; 91% of people believe that working from home gives a better work-life balance, 79% of them experienced an increase in productivity, better focus, and 78% of people recorded less stress.
But what if you can take use of the same advantages while working?
A Rest Space at work is all you need.

According to sleep scientists, even a small nap can be helpful in recharging your brains. Research says just a 20-minute nap has been proven to be more productive for individuals to enhance brain performance and reduce stress levels. The most significant benefits of naps are that they improve alertness and reduce fatigue. Employees are more likely to feel creative after a nap, which results in higher-quality work and fewer errors as the workday comes to an end.
A study by Sara Mednick, shows how “nappers” are doing better than the “non-nappers” by considering three different groups, the one that doesn’t sleep at all, and two that napped for an hour or 90 minutes. After a thorough testing in the evening, it was found that nappers performed better in the evening while the non-nappers performed the worst. There was a significant drop in the performance for the no-nap group. The results were helpful to demonstrate positive effects of sleep.
Although napping at work is still viewed as an unusual thing in the western world, it is completely normal in some of the eastern countries like Japan. Companies should offer their employees the chance to nap at work and provide the necessary facilities. They can do so by installing sleeping pods, which can be as easy as designating a quiet room with space for employees to lie down.
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