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Quality Sleep is Important: Building a Perfect Sleep Environment for you

Writer's picture: Esha Gandhi Esha Gandhi

What’s better than sleep? Quality sleep. It's often dependent on the sleeping environment itself. A relaxing environment is crucial for rest, whether it’s an energizing nap or a good night’s sleep.

A proper resting environment promotes valuable sleep which can be essential for physical and mental health, especially helping you excel at work. Improving your sleep is a great way to decrease your risk of illness such as heart disease as well as your anxiety and stress response. It also helps to improve your cognitive functions, like memory consolidation and learning, which can boost productivity. Feeling well rested can keep you more motivated and perform better with work and everyday tasks.

Creating your Comfortable Environment

There are a few simple ways to make sure you are maintaining a comfortable environment that promotes the best quality sleep. Some of these important factors to consider include temperature, noise, and light.

The ideal temperature for sleep varies from person to person, but in general, a cool room temperature between 15.6-19.4°C (60-67°F) is recommended for optimal sleep. This is because your body temperature naturally drops during sleep, and a cooler room can help facilitate that process. If the room is too warm, it can cause discomfort and make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Noise can be a major disruptor to sleep, especially if it's loud or sudden. Even small noises can wake you up or prevent you from falling asleep. White noise, such as a fan, can be helpful in masking outside noise and promoting a quieter sleep environment. Some people sleep better with certain sounds like music or ambient noise.

Light can have a significant impact on your sleep-wake cycle. Exposure to bright light, especially artificial light from electronic devices, can suppress the production of the sleep hormone melatonin and make it more difficult to fall asleep. Ambient lighting, on the other hand, can help form a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Many people also prefer a dark sleep environment. When napping during the day, it can be hard to find a dark environment in which case blackout curtains or eye masks can be used. .

Did You Say I Could Nap at Work?

According to a survey by Sky, the average Brit naps three times every work week. This is convenient when working from home. It is often easy for people to alter their home environment to fit their sleeping needs and receive quality sleep. But what about employees in the office that need to re-energize with a quick nap during the day? The challenge is that they don’t have the right environment to do so.

Workplaces are starting to recognise this and be more intentional with their workplace design. Imporving rest spaces at work are helping create a more inclusive work environment allowing employees to be their best.

Designed especially for the workplace, Rest Space offers sleeping pods focused on things that are going to give you the best opportunity to rest and recharge: temperature control, noise reduction, and calming lights. Quiet fans make sure air is constantly circulated through the space, creating a cool environment. Outside noise level is kept at a minimum through the use of multiple absorbing and blocking layers. Additionally, there is a bluetooth speaker that allows you to listen to any soothing sound of your liking. A variety of ambient lights can also be used to create your comforting atmosphere. We have created the perfect environment to fit individual needs of a ‘perfect sleep’ that allows you to feel refreshed with a boost of energy, mood, and performance. To learn more about the features and benefits of our products, visit


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